Fruit Juice Vending Machine

Fruit Juice Vending Machine

Model & Texture by Sarath Babu

Fruit Juice Vending Machine - Full model

The Juicebot, a robotic vending machine that dispenses raw juice, could be a new, convenient alternative for juice drinkers.

Juice Cup model

The machine stores fresh fruit and juice for you.

Softwar's used :

             Maya for modeling

             Photoshop for texturing

             Zbrush for oranges

Reference image :

             Orange vending machine (Japan)
             Background: Office

Poly :

             High poly model

Special assests :

             Cup with my logo
             Orange made with medium details (own texture)

Render used :


We are Sarathnetwork, Creating for promoting the 3D models of its Original and our works to your experience 

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